CHAT PERSAN: Persian cat becomes newest recruit of Paris’ Bristol Palace

Fa-Raon, a Persian cat, is the newest recruit of the Parisian Bristol Palace. A luxury hotel located on 112 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré in Paris, Bristol is a palace in every sense of the word, and its services are transformed into an art.


VOA Persian’s Paris Correspondent Reza Chahid’s Report:

Born on May 24, 2010, His Majesty Fa-Raon has the right to walk freely in the lobby of the famous palace, in the French garden or on the hallways. A true life of an aristocat!
Les frères jacques shah, shah, persan (1970’s):

Fa-Raon has ocean blue eyes and will be the cat soul of the hotel. The cat will provide  company for children and adults. The new mascot cat is adorable. Most of all the cat likes to be spoiled and admire the atmosphere in the reception.
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