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سيد شمس الدين حسيني وزير اقتصاد ايران گفت: پرداخت يارانه نقدي به صورت دو ماهه علاوه بر كاهش هزينههاي اداري ، حجم قابل مديريتتري از
سيد شمس الدين حسيني وزير اقتصاد ايران گفت: پرداخت يارانه نقدي به صورت دو ماهه علاوه بر كاهش هزينههاي اداري ، حجم قابل مديريتتري از
CAIRO Jan 31 (Reuters) – The army said on Monday it would not use force against Egyptians staging protests demanding President Hosni Mubarak step down,
راوی و همسر و فرزند خرد سالشان برای سکونت به شهری آمده اند که از پیش نمی شناخته اند. روز اول در آشپزخانه، و بعد
سفر از پیش اعلام شده علی اکبر صالحی، وزیر امور خارجه جدید ایران به اتیوپی لغو شده است. سخنگوی وزارت امور خارجه ایران دلیل لغو
سخنگوی قوه قضائیه ایران می گوید کمک به خانواده های مجرمان در پاره ای موارد جرم است. غلامحسین محسنی اژه ای، سخنگوی قوه قضائیه ایران،
The Egyptian tanks, the delirious protesters sitting atop them, the flags, the 40,000 protesters weeping and crying and cheering in Freedom Square and praying around
VIENNA (AP) — The control systems of Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant have been penetrated by a computer worm unleashed last year, according to a foreign
Rana Foroohar who has been recently appointed as a new Assistant Managing Editor of Time used to work as the Deputy Editor in charge of
Tens of thousands of Egyptian women have been taking to the streets to demand change. They constitute a substantial part of Egyptian anti-government protests. Ghada
George Galloway : Mubarak, An International Outlaw And A Criminal Who Must Be Overthrown by Egyptian Army >>>
I got this pic in the email yesterday. It was taken in early 20th century and it is claimed to portray the last indigenous Iranian lion.
Composer John Barry, famous for his work on the Persuaders, Out of Africa and the James Bond films, has died in New York of a heart attack aged 77. He won
Akhoondam deldare dige. I think his tomb makes a great sushi bar
People are going in to the streets and are asking for Change, Freedom, Democracy. What does this mean in the real world ?!?! This is
پس از اعدام زهرا بهرامی مقامات هلندی به وحشیگری ذاتی نظام پر برکت واکنش نشان داده و روابط دیپلماتیک خود را با وحوش اسلامیست تجاوزگر
TUNIS (AFP) – Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi vowed a transition to democracy as hundreds of women rallied on Saturday in the Tunisian capital to express
Not that long ago, under tremendous international outcry, the dimwits running UNESCO, had to reconsider the plan to hold their Philosophy Day in IRR, the
On Sunday, 30 January, a group of Dutch-Persians showed a quick reaction to Zahra Bahrami execution in front of Iran’s Embassy in The Hague. A
Colin Firth has been honoured at the Screen Actors Guild awards in Los Angeles, along with the cast of period drama The King’s Speech. “I’d
If things go the way they are going in the Arab world, soon we will have a club for old and brutal Arab dictators in
“The president hasn’t improved the standard of living of Egyptians. There are some people that are very rich — maybe 1% — and the rest
he Kingdom of Solomon is an Iranian religious/Historical film trilogy, produced by Mojtaba Faravardeh and directed by Shahriar Bahrani who has made Saint Marybefore. The Kingdom of Solomon is going to release international on November 2010
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