So something strange is happening amongst us Iranians. We are agreeing more. Don’t believe me? Read some of the threads, and compare it to the discussions in the past.
We all used to jump at each others throats, tearing our ideas apart, until tears were in our eyes. In the early years of the internet, we used to rattle the forums with photos, videos, supporting our ideologies. Forums crashed.
It does not happen anymore. Even Mr Nasties on the sites have toned down. Heck it is boring. I like it.
Wow it has taken a long time for us all to vent it all. We have all vomited out our political thoughts. We know every political concept. There is no line of thought we don’t know. No surprises anymore.
The result of all this is maturity. We can tolerate each other and accept each other. What happened? I think it is our ability to throw out politics and religion from our thought process. We just think in terms of culture.
Remember the times you had to go out there, and fight for democracy and the right to vote, just because George W Bush said that Iranians did not know how to vote.
Now you are not bothered. What has replaced it all? What deeper feeling is it that has occupied your mind?
The answer is just one word. Iran.