From Ayatollah with love

The latest IAEA report on the illegal nuke activities of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, came out yesterday.

In a nutshell, the twelve page report details every area of concern which the Islamist Rapists simply refuse to account for. Their lack of transparency, accountability and required cooperation with IAEA is just astounding.

In section G the report states:

“Previous reports by the Director General have detailed the outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme and the actions required of Iran necessary to resolve these.36 Since August 2008, Iran has declined to discuss these outstanding issues with the Agency, or to provide any further information, or access to locations or persons necessary to address the Agency’s concerns.

And in section 3 of the attachment on page 12 of the report, the long, very long list of IRR’s violations are enumerated. Violations run the gamut, from refusing unfettered access to IAEA inspectors to check out the suspected sites all the way to “not engaging with the Agency in substance on issues concerning the allegation that Iran is developing a nuclear payload for its missile programme.”

The Iranian men, woman and children raping, maiming and murdering messianic Islamists have to be stopped before they get their hands on nuke. They have repeatedly announced their mission is to do some wiping off the map a member state of U.N. and “managing the world.” IRR is getting ever closer to bringing devastation and total ruination on Iran and Iranians.  

Imposition of airtight sanctions which include blood oil and gas is a must. So is helping enslaved Iranians with material support to overthrow their weaponized nuke acquiring messianic Islamist tyrants who are a clear and present danger to the peace and stability of the world.

Is the sane world waiting for a barrage of from Ayatollah with love nuke bearing long-range missiles landing in their backyard?

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