Hey, leave the children alone!

One of the more despicable aspects of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, is its disregard for the children’s rights and their usage as child soldiers.  Islamists’ penchant for child bride is no secret. Nor is the fact that IRR used child soldiers mostly as minesweepers during Iraq’s imposed war on Iran, and they’ve made the core of its Brownshirts, aka Basij, ever since.  

 Guardian newspaper reports:

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran says troops aged between 14 and 16 have been armed with batons, clubs and air guns and ordered to attack demonstrators who have tried to gather in Tehran. The youths – apparently recruited from rural areas – are being deployed in regular riot police roles and comprise up to one-third of the total force, according to witnesses.”

Just like IRR’s illegal weaponized nuke, using child solders is a direct contravention of International law.

Hey Islamist Rapists, leave the Iranian children alone!



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