An Iranian dies but does not accept humiliation,” chanted the freedom-seeking Iranians who took to the streets on Feb. 14 and Feb. 20 of this year. “Political prisoners must be freed!” they chanted, burning pictures of the late Khomeini and of supreme leader Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei in the streets of Tehran and in other large cities. “Tehran, Cairo, dictators must go!” I murmured along with the slogans every time I watched the footage on YouTube. “Mubarak, Ben Ali, now it’s Syed Ali’s turn!” people shouted in harmony in Iran, and we repeated here in Mel Lastman Square. Less than four decades ago Iran prided herself on freedom and a booming economy. Back then, Iranian-Canadians were welcome and trusted by the rest of Canadians. I regret that I wasn’t born then, that I missed those smiles and that friendliness. In 2007, when I entered Canada, my country’s name was associated with terror. “I don’t want anybody to bomb my kids when they go to school,” said the gentleman fishing next to me at a riverside in Windsor. How could I make him believe I did not want anyone to be bombed! Tears formed in my eyes but I didn’t let them roll down. >>>