U.S. sleeping with the enemy

Reuters reports from Chicago:  

“A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday backed Iran in a dispute with Americans who demand that Persian antiquities in two Chicago museums be used to pay damages for victims of a 1997 suicide bombing in Israel.”

In layman’s term, next to the highest court of the land in “Great Satan” has sided with the party which for the past thirty two years has done all it could to discredit it, labeling it as an unjust “imperialistic” superpower and has tried to inflict as much damage on it as it possibly could including through terroristic methods.

In other word, no matter what, in the Great Satan land, it is the law which rules supreme, period.

Just one rhetorical question:

Could the lovely Islamists ruling over Iran and Iranians say the same thing about their fiefdom and if the shoe were on the other foot, would they had acted the same as the “Great Satan”?


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