The best defense is a good offense.
It seems the ongoing all hands all-out multimedia fearmongering blitz by the NIAC lobby against MKO cult is an offensive move to deflect mounting inconvenient questions about its own activities, and to eliminate a competitor.
From an Iranian perspective, there are many commonalities between NIAC lobby and MKO cult, here are just a few:
Having unelected lifetime president,
Taking money and backing from foreign governments and their fronts,
Having some sort of liaison with the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA
Having a documented cozy relationship with known mass murderers of the Iranian people,
Currently having, or in the case of MKO cult did in the past, working relationship with the US State Dept. designated terrorist sponsoring entities,
Refusing to answer well documented legitimate questions, this in the case of NIAC lobby includes unregistered and untaxed lobbying under the guise of a nonprofit 501(c),
There are many other questions; instead of attacking critics, a typical cult behavior, NIAC lobby needs to answer the questions!