I wanted to do something in honor of prisoners of conscience in Iran. Thousands have been locked up simply because they have a different view and dare to express it. They are not criminals. They are Iran’s best and bravest. I asked Nazy Kaviani, who follows human rights matters, to send the names of 150 current Iranian prisoners on stickers along with ribbons. I displayed them in Persia, Iowa. It’s a special town for obvious reasons. I have visited twice before, and have become something of celebrity there for putting this tiny town on the Internet map (see 1996 story from first visit, ” Persia, Iowa“, second visit in 2001 ” Found it“).
* Photo essays in this series: Part 1: “Land of the Free“; Part 2: “Liberty Street“; Part 3: “Wild Wild West“; Part 4: “Cowboys & Iranians“; Part 5: “Prisoners of Persia” Part 6: “Taking Jesus by the Horns” Part 7: “Love of Liberty“.