

در خلوت کوچه‌های یاد تو پرسه میزنم به  شوق گم شدن در  کوچه باغی‌ که بی‌ درنگ عطر  بینظیر موی تو را میداد    افسوس 

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Another sexual scandal at VOA

The Iran based Persian language “News Monitoring Web Site” Jam News reports: “In a July 22, 2011 report, the American website Dallas News, citing the

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Defining Iran

Defining Iran Politics of Resistance by Shabnam J. Holliday Ashgate, 2011 I almost stopped reading this book after a few pages. Like most academic treatments

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There are no others

The past and the present met at the gothic Victory College of the University of Toronto and its modern neighbouring theatre where a historically unique

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Donation, schmonation

      I don’t know about you guys’ computers, but on mine there  again comes up a page of IC asking for money……..I tell

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Album (in four languages)

 Author: Ali Abdolrezaei   ”Album” This is my Mum… Isn’t she beautiful?! This is my brother… and this, my father If only he knew how

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