US and Israel train terrorists in the north of Iraq to destabilize Iran

A senior Iranian cleric says the US and Israel equip and support counterrevolutionary forces in northern Iraq to use them against the Islamic Republic.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) – A senior Iranian cleric says the US and Israel equip and support counter revolutionary forces in northern Iraq to use them against the Islamic Republic.

“The enemies of the Islamic Revolution, the criminal US and occupationalist Israel equip and support these forces in the north of Iraq with all their might to use them against the sacred establishment of the Islamic Republic,” Hojjatoleslam Gholamreza Hassani said during a Friday Prayers sermon in the city of Orumiyeh.

Hassani said counterrevolutionary forces aimed at creating insecurity at Iran’s northwestern borders to “prevent investment in these provinces,” IRNA reported on Saturday.

The Iranian cleric added that security has been established in the country’s northwestern borders through the efforts of the Iranian forces.

Iran has recently deployed 5,000 military forces in the northwest of the country along its common border with the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

The purpose of the deployment is holding military maneuvers with the aim of stabilizing the border area and fighting counterrevolutionary groups.

Members of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) — an offshoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party — regularly engage in armed clashes with Iranian security forces along the c… >>>

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