Iranian Students Prepare to Test Authority by Staging Another Water Fight

ek’s large-scale water fight in Tehran resulted in the rounding-up and arrests of young participants, students are now preparing to once again take on the theocratic regime by organizing another water fight.  

Some students planned to re-group this weekend, although sources tell that people went out to the park, but were outnumbered by plainclothes and uniformed officials. Students will continute to plan for a larger event in early September, once the Muslim holy week of Ramadan is over. 

Almost 1,000 young Iranians gathered on a hot summer day at Abo Atash Park in Tehran last Friday, at an event organized on Facebook, called “Tehran’s Water Gun Fight,” which invited young Iranians to bring water guns, bottles, and any other water games to the park.

Student organizers declared, “Water fights are our undeniable rights!” paralleling President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s claim about nuclear arms.

The event called the attention of government hardliners who dispatched authorities to the park to crackdown on the fun and games. Several male and female participants were rounded up and arrested.

Despite regime threats and arrests, the “Te… >>>

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