Gadhafi regime appears to be ‘crumbling’ as rebels advance in Tripoli

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) — An amateur league of ill-trained rebel fighters appeared to be on the brink of toppling Moammar Gadhafi’s 42-year rule Monday after capturing two of the leader’s sons and infiltrating the Libyan capital.

But in a possible indication that the fight is not over, celebrations in Tripoli’s Green Square — renamed Martyrs’ Square by the rebels — gave way to tension Monday morning after rebels told CNN that they’d heard Gadhafi army forces were heading their way.

The uncertainty came hours after a rebel official said two of Moammar Gadhafi’s sons — Saif al-Islam and Saadi — had been arrested by opposition forces. Jumma Ibrahim, a rebel spokesman based in Libya’s western mountain region, said both were captured in Tripoli.


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