Top Ten Myths about the Libya War

The Libyan Revolution has largely succeeded, and this is a moment of
celebration, not only for Libyans but for a youth generation in the Arab
world that has pursued a political opening across the region. The
secret of the uprising’s final days of success lay in a popular revolt
in the working-class districts of the capital, which did most of the
hard work of throwing off the rule of secret police and military
cliques. It succeeded so well that when revolutionary brigades entered
the city from the west, many encountered little or no resistance, and
they walked right into the center of the capital. Muammar Qaddafi was
in hiding as I went to press, and three of his sons were in custody.
Saif al-Islam Qaddafi had apparently been the de facto ruler of the
country in recent years, so his capture signaled a checkmate.
(Checkmate is a corruption of the Persian “shah maat,” the “king is
confounded,” since chess came west from India via Iran). Checkmate.


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