The possibility of war with Iran has never been greater. Here’s a few things to expect:
— The Islamic regime, which was at its lowest point in popularity and legitimacy, will regain considerable support from the public shocked and angered by a foreign attack.
— The militarization of the regime will gain pace to the point that building or acquiring a nuclear bomb will, for the first time, become official policy and a top priority.
— The Iranian opposition will come under unprecedented pressure, unable to raise its voice above war mongers. Many will be executed, more will be jailed. Hopes for a democracy will dim.
— Anti-semitic attacks on the Iranian Jewish community will reach terrible levels and accusations of spying for Israel will multiply. So will executions.
— Long forgotten and diminished anti-American and anti-British sentiments among the masses, disillusioned by the Islamic Republic’s own failings, will resurface and linger longer than the psychological impact from the 1953 coup.
— The Islamic Republic’s annoying cat-and-mouse diplomacy will revert back to obstructionism and isolationism of the Khomeini era, as well as plotting direct and proxy terrorist attacks on Western targets. And they won’t be employing drunk used-car salesmen in Texas.
— Radical Islamists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Palestine, North Africa, always looking for an excuse to attack the West and Westerners, will be handed one like a gift from Allah. Islamic parties in Southeast Asia will gain against secular rivals, and Muslim communities in Europe and North America will resist assimilation and secular ideas.
— The price of oil will jump and remain high for a long long time. That and increased spending on war and war machines will deepen the depressing state of Western economies and send the rest of the world into a spin.
All that and more costly consequences for what? Containing a “threat” from a country that might or could or is building a nuclear bomb?
What a way to prolong the life of the most inhuman regime Iranians have ever experienced.
What insanity.