The British Coincidence in Iran…

An article was just written by the Daily Telegraph regarding the Involvement of the Foreign Secretary Of The UK’s Direct Supporters in helping “the Hebollah Party In Iran” stay in power after the disputed June 2009 election, where the Hezbollah Party In Iran Rigged the elections in favor of the Supreme Leaders favourite candidate.  In August the gave the Regime a sophisticated software developed, which was capable of tracking the physical location of people that it could identify as protestors. 

The hezbollah party in Iran used this software to capture, imprison and torture tens of thousands of people that were protesting the Regime.  The report by the UN Human rights commission noted that many protestors were taken with out a trial and executed wthout anyones Knowledge, some 300 Iranians were executed by “the Hezbollah Party In Iran” in just one case identified alone.  Also important to note was the massive cover up of the number of killed protestors who died of wounds in hospital, where much higher numbers of dead protestors bodies at over eight hospitals were noted by hospital staff. 

So why are the British so deeply involved in Keeping “the Hezbollah Party in Iran” in power?  Why was the British Media, known as the BBC, busy producing propaganda against the Monarchy which lead to the 1979 Coup, based on exageratting and repeating 3 lies about the government 1) Dictator (for a leader that has not one single recorded case of ever using absolut power) 2) Corruption (as if this abuse was more than in it exists in the West). 3) Repression (with out acknowleding that it was less than in 90% of the world and among the very best in this regard).

This news was put forward in a particulary misleading way in the telegraph because it came to public consciousness after many reporters gave information after having being captured that the IRI had records of their location and asked questions about it.  So when the telegraph says in its,

“A British technology firm with links to William Hague, the Foreign Secretary,
has sold a product to Iran which could be used to track down protesters.”


every single part of this misleading statement needs to be altered, 1) this occured to support the foreign offices actual policy for the IRI 2) It was used to torture, imprison and execute people, not could be used 3) Nothing was sold to Iran, Iran is me and you, it was given to the Hezbollah Party in Power in Iran, which the UK helped bring to power and clearly is helping to keep in power.  Do you still believe in coincidences? Like the British Coincidence in Iran.


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