Aria… (Part II)
When I blogged about Aria back in early October, he and his band, For All I Am, were hopeful to be able to raise the
When I blogged about Aria back in early October, he and his band, For All I Am, were hopeful to be able to raise the
بمناسبت کارزار مبارزه با خشونت علیه زنان رضا فانی یزدی ۲۸ نوامبر ۲۰۱۱ همه اشکال تبعیض گرچه برای گروهی آزار دهنده و عین ستم است
Whatever the wisdom or folly of Washington’s approach, it has pursued a determined line in the last month — cast public blame on Tehran and
وزيران امور خارجه اتحاديه اروپا روز پنجشنبه در نشست بروکسل موافقت کردند که تحريم ها عليه جمهوری اسلامی را به ۱۸۰ شخصيت و شرکت ديگر
“Voice of Freedom” reported that a Turkish journalist revealed that a meeting between Hamad bin Jasem with Erdogan and the Foreign Minister Daoud Uglo in
آمریکا تا خرخره بدهکار است، اما به جای اینکه بدهی هایش را به طلبکاران بدهد، اندام و ماهیچه هایش را نشانشان می دهد تا از
دادستان کل آلمان مظنون است که جمهوری اسلامی ایران در صدد برنامهریزی برای حمله به یک پایگاه نظامی آمریکا در خاک آلمان بوده است. هارالد
For over 30 years, I could see thugs from the regime in Iran walking down high street kensington. Buy property, opening bank accounts, trading with
Article 110, Sections 4 & 10 of the IRI constitution clearly states that not only the Ayatollah Khamanei is the Supreme Commander of Iran’s armed
Which country is most corrupt? North Korea is now officially considered the world’s most corrupt country, along with Somalia. But why has the US gone
An interview with Reza Pahlavi by Barbara Walters from 2002 with farsi subtitles.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iran has released 11 hardline students detained for storming the British Embassy and diplomatic compounds in Tehran this week. The semi-official
حس تنفر از ظالم نه تنها واکنش طبیعی است؛ بل، میتواند بر دوچندان کردن تلاش برای رفع ظلم بسیار مفید باشد. خطر در تبدیل حس
What do you get when you expect the Islamic Republic of Iran to uphold its international obligations? As can be seen from this week’s events,
Original Cartoon posting and Discussion on FACEBOOK—–> Here History teaches nothing to the ignorant. Originally Posted blog: Political Cartoon: “Vicious Broken Glass” by Cartoonist Kaveh
Original Cartoon posting and Discussion on FACEBOOK—–> Here Originally Posted blog: Political Cartoon: “The Real Iran Nuclear Threat” by Kaveh Adel Artwork 2011© Visit my
پس از صرف چای دو مسافر همردیف در یک هواپیمای ایران ایر شاششان میگیرد. چون توالت جلوی هواپیما و توالت عقب هواپیما هردو خالی بودند،
اصلاحيه پيشنهادی قانون کار با اعتراض کارگران گروه صنعتی ايران خودروروبرو شده است کارگران ايران خودرو طی نامه به وزارت کار اعتراض خودرو رانسيت به
The Senate unanimously approved tough new sanctions on Iran’s Central Bank amid fears of Tehran developing a nuclear weapon. The 100-0 vote Thursday was for
Two opposition student organisations in Iran have condemned the storming of the British embassy, claiming those behind it were associated with the Islamic regime. Tahkim
While providing short-term relief, the measures have done nothing to overcome the underlying crisis, which is one of insolvency, not liquidity. Moreover, as yesterday’s central
It is therefore a major blow to the Ahmadinejad camp that Student Bassij Organization followed the Supreme Leader’s order and attacked the British embassy while
آنچه از سایه بیرون آمده شکل گیری یک ارتش آموزش دیده و بی رحم برای جنایت و کشتار با ایدئولوژی اسلام سلفی است. رهبران جمهوری
The Iranians still remember the Aug. 25, 1941, British-Soviet invasion of their country. They remember how the British ousted Reza Shah Pahlavi, an acolyte of