Constitutionalist Student Shahram Aryan’s First series of talks on the First decade of the Iranian “Republic” entitled “From Khomeiny to Rafsanjani”. Shahram Aryan argues that contrary to the ‘politically correct’ assessment today often endorsed by many Iranian Diaspora medias ( notably BBC Persian, VOA Persian) that Iranians at large (including it’s Intelligentsia) actually wanted an Islamic Republic and were far from secular.
Shahram Aryan: On First Decade of the Iranian “Republic”:
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Constitutionalism Vs Republicanism
Pro Bakhtiar Demonstrations February 1979 in Support of the 1906 Constitution:
Shapour Bakhtiar’s Last Interview as Prime Minister Prior to Khomeiny’s arrival to Iran :
Khomeiny Say’s : No to Monarchy
Shah’s departure not enough; constitutional monarchy must go, he says
News footage includes reports of crumbling economy shortly before the fall of the monarchy in 1979:
Iranians at large Vote for an Islamic Republic upon nationwide Referendum:
Shapour Bakhtiar Speaks to Iranian Expats in LA:
( Footage Introduced by Shohreh Aghdashloo on Jameh Jam TV 1990’s)
Farrokhzad explains Khomeiny’s Green Book aka The Tozihol Massael during a London Concert (1980’s):
TORN APART: How Iran’s Revolution Divided Sisters Mahnaz (Afkhami) and Farah:
Sisters Mahnaz and Farah became independent women in America. Both later returned to Iran as adults, where they would be torn apart by Iranian politics during the reign of the Shah. Mahnaz became a minister in the shah’s government and advocated for women’s rights,while Farah and her husband joined the cause of the revolution. Ultimately, Mahnaz and Farah both had to flee Iran in fear for their lives.
PBS Destination America:
Debate Over the Legitimacy or Not of the IRI Constitution Prevails to This day
Mashallah Ajoudani debates with Fatemeh Haghighatjoo on the incompatibility between Religion and Human Rights ( VOA Persian):
Shadi Sadre’s Rebuttal of Massoud Behnoud’s Endorsement of the Legitimacy of the IRI Constitution:
Iranian lawyer, journalist, anda notable woman’s rights activist Shadi Sadre Contradicts Masoud Behnoud’sexplanation on the Reformability of the Islamic Republic’s Constitution. Debateon BBC Persian Shortly after the last Presidential Election Crackdowns in 2009.
Mostafa Tajzadeh:Former deputy Interior Minister’s speech a month before June 2009 elections (Who Recently was on a Hunger Strike protest before making a U Turn and rallying the IRI Official Stance on the Election Results (See Khodnevis’ Shahram Fereidoun’s Article Here):
Tajzadeh ( his name means “born with a Crown”) speaks about all the social Freedoms which existed prior to the revolution and Khomeiny’s desire to change the Constitution.
SOURCES OF FURY:Nader Naderpour on origins of IRI’s “Death Slogans” towards US and Israel (Program Aired in 1990’s):
The late Iranian poet, historian, philosopher and constitutionalist Nader Naderpour explains how slogans such as “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” took root in Iran with the Islamic Revolution slowly replacing in the political rhetoric Persia’s traditional foes which initially were Great Britain and Russia. (Seems that “Revolutionaries” in Iran have since gone back to the slogans such as “Death to the UK” upon the recent Embassy attack in Tehran by Bassijis)
Related Blogs:
pictory: Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan’s Provisionary Government in exile (1979)
37 DAYS: Documentary on Shapour Bakhtiar’s Premiership (MANOTO TV)
RESTORATION: Shapour Bakhtiar advocates Restoring the Monarchy
Mehdi Bazargan and the controversial legacy of Iran’sIslamic intellectual movement
Mashallah Ajoudani on Intellectuals and the ’79 Revolution
CLUELESS JON STEWART: “Ebrahim Yazdi Such a Lovely Man”
SHEKAYAT KOJA ? Akbar Ganji say’s Iran has less than 1000 Political Prisoners
Shadi Sadre’s Rebuttal of Massoud Behnoud’s Endorsement of IRI Constitution
TORN APART: How Iran’s Revolution Divided Sisters Mahnaz (Afkhami) and Farah
Ebrahim Golestan: “The Shah’s Coronation Made Me Wanna Vomit” (BBC)
TREASON IS A MATTER OF DATES: Constitutionalist Response to a Jomhurykhah Query
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