Where are Mash Ghasem and Tigr Lily?

Mash Ghasem and Tigr Lily  are two of my favorite commentators on this site. Unfortunately they are both blocked. They are highly opinionated and independent commentators with no gang mentality when it comes to debating. They are in it to both give and take which every healthy debate should be all about. That is what I admire about them. They characters do not fit into the usual norm of this site and the statement that many make here; either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.

I, for example, had my own share of disagreement with MG on some issues but at the same time I have learned a great deal form our debates.

In addition to the politics, these two members are very much into art, music, and poetry; something that can be seen on their valuable comments.  Without them this site is quiet, boring and dull. 

This is for you, my friends, whom I have missed so dearly … 

Hamon – The journey of Life (A collection of poems)








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