CHARLES & REZA: Can and Should Royals Be Opinionated ?

Recently Crown Prince Reza has been subject to harsh critics by some in the diaspora for maintaining his claim as heir to the throne of Iran while at the same time entering the political arena. (Source:

Interestingly similar critics have been made against UK’s Prince Charles in his lifetime for having an opinion on issues deemed beyond his prerogatives. 

Here is an interview of the Prince in the 1980’s in which he expressed some rather “radical” outlooks on the Church of England and how to Run the British Arms Forces. 

From the 1994 documentary about the Prince of Wales by Jonathan Dimbleby.


Prince Charles and the Armed Forces:

Prince Charles speaking about the Church:


(Notice he mentions the Zoroastrians @ 4 mn 29 sec) 

Prince Charles – Islam & Muslims in the World Today:

VOA’s Siamak Dehganpour reviews Highlights of 2011 interview of Crown Prince Reza as well as that of other Opposition figures actively opposed to the IRI.

OFOGH: Crown Prince Reza and the State of the Opposition Abroad:

Related pictory:

pictory: Prince Charles and Prince Reza (1974)

Related News :

Prince Charles called on to block modern Iranian embassy next to historic church

Related Blogs on Crown Prince Reza:

Crown Prince Reza Responds to Shahram Homayoun on German Magazine Interview Controversy

VOA OFOGH: Crown Prince Reza Debates
 with Hassan Shariatmadari on Secularism

VOA OFOGH: Crown Prince Reza and the
 State of the Opposition Abroad

Related Blogs on Prince Charles :

A PRINCE’s PRICE: Prince Charles’s public funding increases by 11.8%

Press TV ‘Investigates’ Prince
 Charles ‘Right To Veto’ Laws

ROYAL FORUM: Prince Charles and 
Camilla’s Car has been attacked by protesters (Dec 9th, 2010)

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