Iranian Constitutionalist from Austria Khosro Fravahar explains how Haile Selassie I and the Shah of Iran were similarily character assassinated by the Far Left and academic circles in the West.
(NOTE: The Part Related to the Topic starts @ 44 Mn 20)
Gadhafi paid millions to US firms to polish his global image:
Gadhafi paid millions to U.S. firms to polish his global image: (CNN) — Just a few years before becoming embroiled in fighting a rebellion, Moammar Gadhafi was spending millions of dollars a year to wage a PR campaign to burnish his global image as a statesman and a reformer, confidential documents show.
New testimony in Mehdi Rafsanjani Oxford case (BBC):
A prominent member of Oxford claim that the doctorate proposal of son of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani for study in Oxford university is written by other student . Mr Shikhol-Eslami returned his academic title to Oxford as a sign of protest.
Recommended Readings:
Gadhafi paid millions to US firms to polish his global image –
Just a few years before becoming embroiled in fighting a rebellion, Moammar Gadhafi was spending millions of dollars a year to wage a PR campaign to burnish his global image as a statesman and a reformer, confidential documents show.
The mercurial leader hired The Monitor Group, a Boston-based consulting firm, to execute a public relations strategy that included paying think-tank analysts and former government officials to take a free trip to Libya for lectures, discussions and even personal meetings with Gadhafi starting in 2006.
Despite Libya’s scars, its rich history provides hope for the future (cnn)
Alia Al-Senussi is a member of Libya’s royal family. Her family was exiled from Libya in 1969 after Moammar Gadhafi’s coup d’etat. She was born in Washington in 1983 to a Libyan father and American mother, and grew up in Cairo, San Diego, and Switzerland. She has recently been appointed by the Global Heritage Fund to help set up its Libyan Heritage Trust .
Related Blogs by Khorso Fravahar:
Khosro Fravahar: Who Betrayed the Constitution in 1953 The Shah or Mossadegh?
Khosro Fravahar Challenges Abbas Milani & ex-Maoist “Comrads” to an Open debate on Shah’s Rule
UN APOLOGETIC MONARCHIST: Khosro Fravahar interviewed on Israeli Radio Radis
Khosro Fravahar: How Green Movement Jumped on Bandwagon of Gene Sharp’s Theory
Khosro Fravahar Responds to Hassan Shariatmadari’s Comments on Secularism & Monarchy
‘BOOBOOLI, BOOBOOLI’: Bahram Moshiri Mocks & insults Shah’s Executed Generals
MONARCHY MATTERS: Khosro Fravahar say’s Iranian Jomhurykahs live in denial
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