Collective shameless tryst with the stone age of ignorance! Shitting on the fan!

When Vandals knock at the doors, fine-arts, culture and thinking is the first victim. These wild demonstrators remind me of ‘The Sack of Rome by the Visigoths on 24 August 4 10’.

By ‘showering potent shit’ on to the fan under their own roof is not a very pleasing practice. How do you tell if the shit is hitting the fan? Only 300 people had watched the ‘infamous video’ that is cause of this new clash between civilisations. Since it was translated and the US Ambassador was heartlessly murdered 750 m people have seen or downloaded this video and this proliferation is growing every day. Pffft! Pffft! Pffft! The sound of faecal matter hitting rotating fan blades and splattering all over the room. What? You can’t hear it? Listen more closely. Why? Nearly 75% of the world population is mobile connected why on earth one would ‘proliferate’ such a damning uncorroborated video? Exactly like this video ‘Satanic verses’ was an nameless book, no one had read it until ‘Imam’ made that fatwa, he helped propagate the book big time, one is at pains to argue how does he helped the cause of inviolability and sanctity of the prophet? They never miss a chance to self destruct!

No one else but these thoughtless demonstrations are propagating this scandalous wicked senseless video, the basic root of this mass media hype of a very meagre video lies in mass effort of very people who want this video to be eradicated, it will not, overreaction only brings more of such ordinariness. There is a reason most in Islamic world are not able to criticise Talebanic mindset. ‘To learn who rules you simply find out who you are not allowed to Criticize.’ Voltaire

The governments in the crescent extending from Maghreb to Malaysia has offer its people nothing but poverty, superstition, ignorance, violence, and squalor. Logic should demand that such ‘poor’ actions against the Prophet of Islam should be not talked about, just there is no need of giving attention.

The stage is now set, for a ‘cyber curtain of ignorance’ to descend from Maghreb to Malaysia. Bigots who trivialise and bigots who try to ban these trivialities will makes sure that dark ages extend few more decades in areas where enlightenment and rekindling of renaissance is a must. Thanks to its pro-free speech policy, YouTube and other Google products have become vital platforms for free expression all over the world, it helped opened the world and killed the distance. No more it is just a matter of time that Google, You Tube, Face book, Twitter and other social media connective medium will be subject of blanket suppression and censorship in the regions of world where dogma reigns supreme.

A ‘cyber curtain of ignorance’ is about to descend from Maghreb to Malaysia. Love and peace between man is the only answer. From the time immemorial anyone who has questioned the celestial source of the law was forced to practice, he was considered mad and subject of violent death. Making Gods is an old human hobby, we just like it. It is very people who think they are fighting the inviolability of Prophet actually they are the ones who are propagating this ugly message all over at Gods speed. People on the Titanic didn’t think the boat was going to sink, until the bow was under water. How could the boat be sinking? The lights are still on, and the bar is open, right? But people who qualitatively analyzed the rising water levels realized the boat was going down, in a matter of hours.

The failure to issue clear rebuke, denunciation of ‘terror’ by the rank and file of the 1.4 billion strong nation at the cusp of the 21st century in this day of knowledge has created confused minds that are easily enticed towards ideological toxins prescribed by the radicals. In this century, the crescent of Islam faces its nemesis in shape of ‘Ideological radical addiction’; it is as big a challenge as addiction from substance abuse faced by the Chinese. ‘Ideological entrapment’ just say no to it. Defy ‘ideological addiction’ by saying no to wickedness. Finding people and charging them with ‘Blasphemy’ are practices of inquisitors nearly 500 years ago, have we not read enough from our human past?.

This ‘rage of impotence’ depicted by ‘bird brained egomaniacs’ headed by extremists will only bring more misery on mankind and especially on the nation of Islam. Amidst this ocean of mad ignorance extending from Maghreb to Malaysia most people are not very capable and thoughtful of when bad things are about to go down.

The principal ‘Hell bound’ is a person who helps proliferate this tricky devious dividing message, all these ‘Jihadis’ are nut cases; they do things in the name of sacredness and inviolability that harm the reputation of everyone. In this age of connectivity any bad coverage spreads like wild fire, any negative promotion of what you think is a sanctified figure should be mellowed down and quietly thrown into dustbin instead of overreaction that works to bring gathering publicity to what should have been zilch. Don’t go down like a Titanic, have common senses, your actions made ‘Satanic Verses’ a very unfortunate and a poor novel the best seller, you have made this ‘F’ grade clip into a super movie. Have an ounce of common sense; don’t do what you are doing. You don’t splatter the shit on to the fan. Shame on those who are accountable for this huge proliferation of a very detrimental message.

A similar kind of threat – that of ‘ideological addiction’ – is staring in the face of the nation of Islam as an unswerving peril to its permanence and solidity. It is disconcerting to gaze at the consistent justification of these incidents within the Islamic nations, be it 9/11 or 7/7, which are based on a cobweb of conspiracy theories through which a ‘distant evil infidel superpower,’ in a heinous wicked plan bordering on monstrosity and self-destruction, wants to entrap innocent Muslim youth to implode. Self-denial of liability on global scale of such humongous proportions bewilders every man with an ounce of common sense. Be Benghazi- condemn the murder instead of keeping silence of a lamb.

Making Gods is an old human hobby, we just like it. Rest assure centuries from now our present current holy traditions will be looked upon by our descendents with equal amusement and shock as we read about the Gods of Pharaohs and the Sun God of Hammurabi today. In a million years from now we will be referred as upper cave age semi civilized creatures with strong cannibalistic tendencies who had Mozart and Beethoven but had Auschwitz too, we are the standard bearers of a coming civilization that shall destroy all the legends and myths of existence once for all. Alas, before that lot of Galileo’s and Socrates need to be sacrificed and perished.

Rest assure centuries from now our present current holy traditions will be looked upon by our descendents with equal amusement and shock as we read about the Gods of Pharaohs and the Sun God of Hammurabi today. In a million years from now we will be refereed as upper cave age semi civilized creatures with strong cannibalistic tendencies who had Mozart and Beethoven but had Auschwitz too, we are the standard bearers of a coming civilization that shall destroy all the legends and myths of existence once for all. Alas, before that lot of Galileo’s and Socrates need to be sacrificed and perished.

A society that frowns upon fine arts and culture like this injunction “Whoever listens to a female singer, molten lead will be poured into his ears on the Day of Judgement.” (Dha’ifu-Jami’ As-Saghir Lil-Albani no. 5410 and Ad-Dha’ifah no. 4549) Yes, it makes no difference if a society does not have Mozart or Beethoven and refuses to listen to these artists, but a society that fails to deliver Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven also fails to deliver Copernicus, Galileo or Newton.

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