1. Do not confuse Israel with Jews. Iranians have enjoyed and are proud of over 2000 years of close connection with the Jewish community. But Iranians today, should not confuse the state of Israel with the Jewish community worldwide. Jews do not equal Israel, Israel does not equal Jews. It is important to recognize that Anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism. The Jewish community is not a single united group and responses vary both between and within Jewish groups. In fact some of the staunchest opponents of Zionism lie among many traditional religious Jews who are opposed to idea of nationalism (Jewish or otherwise) which they regard as a secular ideology, which some viewed as a violation of the Three Oaths. Key traditionalist opponents of Zionism included Isaac Breuer, Hillel Zeitlin, Aaron Shmuel Tamares, Elazar Shapiro (Muncatz), and Joel Teitelbaum, all waged ideological religious, as well as political, battles with Zionism each in their own way. There are also secular Jews that have openly called for “the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of the Israeli colonization of historic Palestine”.
2. Israel is funding Iranian humiliation not liberation. Iranians today in the diaspora and the Nation of Iran have suffered greatly at the hands of Israeli financed propaganda targeted against Muslims. One example of this is an organization called The Middle East Forum, led by Daniel Pipes, a pro-Israeli think tank based in Philadelphia, that funded the ultra-right European political leader’s Wilders’ legal defense in 2010 and 2011 against Dutch charges of inciting racial hatred against Muslims. It sent money directly to Wilders’ lawyer via its Legal Project. There are other vocal pro-Israeli and anti-Muslim activists in the U.S. such as Pamela Geller who constantly incite hatred against Muslims and not use events on 9/11 as an opportunity to engage the West in a war against the religion of 99% of Iranians. Fighting the theocracy in Iran is not the same as fighting people’s religious beliefs. There is a difference between religion and theocracy. People like Pipes and Geller are fighting Islam with Israeli funds – not the crooked fake theocratic leadership. Again, their goal is Iranian humiliation, not liberation.
3. Israel has aligned itself with the nastiest, most vile opponents of the Iranian regime. And is using them to kill Iranian scientists. Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group, the MEK/MKO/PMOI/NCRI/RAJAVIST/MONKEYS (call them what you will) but basically they are financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service. This has been confirmed by U.S. officials. The group, the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, has long been designated as a terrorist group by the United States, accused of killing American servicemen and contractors in the 1970s and supporting the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran before breaking with the Iranian mullahs in 1980. The attacks, which have killed five Iranian nuclear scientists since 2007 and may have destroyed a missile research and development site, have been carried out in dramatic fashion, with motorcycle-borne assailants often attaching small magnetic bombs to the exterior of the victims’ cars. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Obama administration is aware of the assassination campaign but has no direct involvement. With persuasion from Israel, the Obama administration recently removed this group from its list of designated terrorist groups. Never-the-less, it is important to state that this group, inside Iran, is the most hated opposition group to the regime, and has a dirty reputation of oppressing its members, and siding with Iran’s enemies (including Saddam Hussein) against Iran. This group is widely considered by Iranians to be even worse than the current regime if they ever came to power. When Israel aligned and financed them, it basically distanced itself from the nation of Iran.
4. Israel is openly financing and planning the balkanization of Iran. Indeed, it is on record for supporting Kurdish, Baluchi and Azeri separatists, with a view of breaking up Iran. A recent example of this is an interview I read with Eliezer Tsafrir (a former senior Mossad official, in 1963-1975) who states that Israel maintains military advisers at the headquarters of Mulla Mustafa Barzani, and trained and supplied the Kurdish units with firearms and field and anti-aircraft artillery (Reuters, 21.02.1999.). A Jerusalem former army reservist remembers his commander, late Col.Joseph Luntz, told him that Mulla Mustafa Barazani “had feelings for him like he was his son” while he was living among the Kurds! I could go on and on, with examples of how Israel finances Jundallah (the Baluchi sepratists), but there is basically no debate about this, Israel wants to destroy Iran as we know it.
5. Israel is a Nuclear Program hypocrite. Israeli leaders claim that Iran’s nuclear program is masking real intentions to produce a nuclear bomb, and they may be right! But look, Iran is a founding member and signatory of the Non-proliferation treaty (NPT), with regular IAEA inspections. Everyone knows, down to milligram how much Uranium Iran is enriching. Israel on the other hand has not signed the NPT, has had no IAEA inspections, and is a well know proliferator – having supplied nuclear technology to South Africa while South Africa was a nation practicing Apartheid, and under international sanctions. Israel’s whole nuclear program is rogue. And then, Israel wants the West to attack Iran over its program!! Israel is so out of line, that in fact John F. Kennedy was killed within weeks of standing firm against Israel’s nuclear program.
6. Israel is poised to physically destroy Iran. Israel has deployed a permanent submarine presence in the Persian Gulf with Nuclear warhead missiles on board ready to annihilate Iran. The three German-built submarines are reportedly equipped with nuclear cruise missiles. Flotilla 7 is comprised of three submarines that have visited the region before – the Dolphin, the Tekuma and the Leviathan. Each crew includes between 35 to 50 soldiers and is commanded by a colonel. At least one submarine will remain in the area all the time. And then in Azerbaijan to Iran’s north, Israel has leased several air fields and has aircraft on standby with nuclear warhead bombs ready to bomb Iran at a moment’s notice. All this quite simply is a permanent threat to the whole nation of Iran.
7. Israel has nothing Iran needs or wants. There is no strategic value to Iranian engagement with Israel. Israel and the Palestinian conflict will live on forever, and Iran can do nothing about it. And, as all Iranians know, Arabs hate Iranians too. There is simply no value for Iran to engage itself in the middle of this conflict. Iranians have suffered enough in their 8 year war with Iraq financed by the Arab world. Iranians have suffered enough at the hands of Arabs aligning with the Brits to sell black market sanctioned goods to Iran at inflated prices for the past 30 years. Israel too profited handsomely in the Iran-Iraq war selling hundreds of millions of dollars of black market arms at inflated prices. Iran has no interest at all in engaging in the Middle East. Engagement with Arabs and Israelis is a lost cause for Iranians. Iran’s strategic future involves closer ties with its neighbors in Central Asia. Israel simply has nothing Iranians need anymore.
To summarize all this, Iran has always maintained a close connection with the Jewish community. It was a Persian king after all that liberated the Jews from captivity. It was Iran that helped Israel with vital oil supplies during its war with its Arab neighbors. And yes, Israel in turn supplied arms to the Mullahs during their 8 year war with Iraq at an inflated profit.
But those days are gone. There can be no alliance going forward. Israel has nothing but mal-intent towards Iran and Iranians. Times have changed. Iranians today are fighting for their dignity. A revolution today in Iran will not be for freedom or liberty – but about Iranian pride and dignity. Once a loyal friend, Israelis have stood to the side for over 30 years as Iranians have been oppressed by the buyers of Israeli Arms (Iran’s Mullahs), and have aligned themselves with the nastiest of Iran’s opponents and separatists. Israelis today are actively planning Iranian humiliation and destruction. They are our friends no more.