What you ‘sow’ today is what you shall ‘reap’ tomorrow!
A study finds that childhood stimulation key to brain development, twenty-year research project shows that most critical aspect of cortex development in late teens was stimulation aged four. Early childhood home environment predicts frontal and temporal cortical thickness in the young adult brain.
It is the strength of our neural connectivity that defines our personalities. Also beware that ‘cerebral’ connections work on the “use it or lose it” mean rule. Martha Farah, director of the centre for neuroscience and society at the University of Pennsylvania, have led the latest study. They have discovered that a normal range of experiences in childhood might influence the development of the brain. From a data of surveys of home life and brain scans of 64 participants carried out over the course of 20 years the results, showed that cognitive inspiration from parents at the age of four is the main feature in forecasting the maturity of numerous parts of the cortex i.e. the layer of grey matter on the outside of the brain in next 15 years later.
How? A baby is born with all the nerve an infant will ever have. These are a mass of distinct electrical wires, it is the neural connectivity during his first few years from the time the infant is born that determines his mental power and growth of brain in future. Babies are born with millions of neurons that sends messages across the brain. These neurons are “wired” by forming connections i.e. synapses. Wiring a brain is like wiring a dwelling; it works better if you start from the launch. Positive interactions with nurturing parents overwhelmingly inspire little brains. As children get older, pruning begins. Synapses not being utilised, or connections not completed will eliminate. Connections made repetitively early on years continue and turn securely established. Scientists have discovered that the more mental incentive a child gets around the age of four, the more developed the parts of their brains dedicated to reason and logic will be in the decades ahead. The first years never end, your formative age defines your personality traits all your life. You become the way you are at 4-7, this journey lasts eternally.
Each individual´s intellect ought to be used wisely; enduringly as a means to a concrete, gracious end.Flop is floating point operations per second. It is a measure of processor speed. For each prefix multiply by 1024 so a petaflop is roughly one-million-billion but is actually 1,125,899,906,842,624 floating point operations per second. We have reached 1.75 petaflop processing in barely 40 years. Just imagine what kind of processing power will be available in the next 40 years. Though we should not forget that computer chips and biological signal processors (brains) work on different principles and developed for different functions.
Children find comfort in the same routine every day. Routine that has diversity is the best answer, routine is not ‘fixed’ activity but rather colourful multifaceted activity. Yoga is an enormous way to improve little bodies and minds. Be open , express don’t try to be economical with words, say it, clear your mind from unnecessary complications. Don’t transfer your entrenched bitterness, prejudices, complexes and dogma to your future. Their outlook of life should be determined not by their place of birth but by their love for limitless enquiry. Give them a chance, they all develop at different rate. Give your child an upbringing by following unstructured time not fixed schedules.Let them play on street, let them mix with everyone, one day they will end up teaching others if they learn the skills of the world.
Research shows that unborn babies can hear unmistakably at 20 weeks of pregnancy and will memorize the music you play until they’re few years old. The beats imprint on their minds. The classics you play for them makes them inclined towards fine arts and poetry later. Delicacy in life routes form fine arts and this ia childhood phenomenon. Making them feel appreciated and sheltered, touching is essentially vital to a baby’s growth. If you want to advance your offspring’s verbal skills, start before time. Talk sense, talk ideas, use geography, history and astronomy as games, a global map is a one sheet of encyclopaedia on your wall, use it. Read oceans, seas, rivers, capitals, galaxies and planets from these charts. it is your narrow-mindedness that will make child a narrowed person and your expansiveness that will make his brain travel through skies of wisdom. Sing and play classics to your child. You are your child’s only educator. Play is indispensable to a child’s cerebral, expressive, shared, academic and bodily development.
Play is the ‘labour’ of a child. Promote play. Also expose them to multi facet skills, study at Bristol University recently found that babies exposed to a foreign language within their first nine months found it easier to learn more languages later in life.
Be conscious of how, where and with whom your child spends his time. Choose TV, radio and internet vigilantly, please decide the right books, inspire optimism and positive outlook, don’t teach them suspicion, indecision and uncertainty. Open-mindedness instead of constricted system of belief, instilling enquiry will help them hugely. Reading to your kids is a the best training. When you read you make them early readers, don’t teach them alphabets teach them words, this help make them early readers. Discipline to teach, not punish. Explain things don’t put them in a ‘time out,’ explain the merits children understand better than adults. Let them help. When they help you they “think” with their mind completely. Let them look at stars to learn outer space ,let them learn anthropology you will do them great favour they will emerge multifaceted. The cyber world has no boundaries, prepare your next generation for that. The world is already divided between people living archaically and people living in next century, make them part of future not the past.
Input is important too, eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Dr Carol Cooper. “Brain cells are made up of DHA an omega-3 fatty acid, which we need to ensure is a regular part of a child’s diet.” A healthy diet is very important for a baby’s emergent brain. Magnesium, vitamin B6 and antioxidants in vegetables like beans, broccoli, spinach and berries are exceptional for cerebral enhancement.