Obama is a Muslim. I am 100% sure

It’s amazing what a wide cross section of Iranians, especially those living in the U.S. and Canada believe that President Barrack Hussein Obama is a Muslim.

Over the past few months, I sort of made mental notes about comments made by people involved in discussions I was also a part of.  Men, women, young, old, educated, lay, Muslim, non Muslim, rich, not so rich, you name it I have heard them say “Agha in Obama ke Mosalmooneh” or “Obama az khodemooneh”.  I don’t have any scientific or statistically significant data to back up what I am saying but it seems like a good % of Iranians shares this notion.

There are those that hate Obama (for whatever reason) and think he is a Muslim and therefore will never allow a regime change in Iran. God knows how a man who has publically declared that he is a Christian, a sitting president who has killed more Al Qada leaders than even Goerge Bush, has violated the air space of a Muslim country (Pakistan) more times than all other Presidents before him and a man who has placed the toughest sanctions on Iran could be called a Muslim.  Oh wait, his dad was a Muslim and his middle name is Hussein. Thats it.

There are also those who love Obama and think he is a Muslim; of the Shiite variety nontheless.  Again, because his middle name is Hussein.  These folks love him because they think he is the first Muslim President of the U.S. and has paved the way for many more.

What amazes me most is the poeple who have lived in the West for decades!  Have a college education.  Have been exposed to “logic” and the idea of basing decisions on facts.


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