First Episode of the Popular Sitcome of the 1960’s “I Dream of Jeannie” Starring Larry Hagman (Future J.R. in Dallas) and Barbara Eden was an Emblematic Showcase for Iranian-American Friendly ties. (Source:
Larry Hagman, who spent more than a decade playing TV villain JR Ewing has died at the age of 81, his family says. (See Related News)
BBC Report:
Larry Hagman, J.R. Ewing on ‘Dallas,’ dies at 81 :
First Episode of the Popular Sitcome of the 1960’s “I Dream of Jeannie” Starring Larry Hagman (Future J.R. in Dallas) and Barbara Eden was an Emblematic Showcase for Iranian-American Friendly ties. Here is the First Episode which contains dialogue in Persian. Read More about these Series in my Article
I Dream Of Jeannie: The Lady In The Bottle
First aired: 9/18/1965
Plot: When the rocket launch for a space mission goes awry, its astronaut, Captain Anthony Nelson, finds himself stranded on a desert island. There, he finds a beautiful antique bottle lying there on the sand. When Tony opens the bottle, he is shocked to find a beautiful, 2,000-year-old genie named Jeannie, who is now calling him her new Master and willing to grant him anything he wishes.
Persian Anachronisms in Dialogue:
Jeannie has entire dialogues in Persian/Farsi in this very first Episode that clearly suggests that Production was familiar with the Iranian language ( distinct from Arabic most commonly associated to the Middle East characters in Hollywood movies)
“Sheklat mesleh Seemayekh Khalif Hast ” aka “You look like the Caliph”
“Seemorg” aka “Phoenix” ”Sardar aghar Khatereh Tora Azar Dadam, mano bebakhsh” aka “Master if I made you angry please forgive me”
“Yah Shaheh Paryan” aka “Oh my goodness ( not sure about translation)”
”Kashti” aka “Boat”
“Az Ma Khoshnood Ast ? …” aka ” Are you angry ?”
I Dream of Jeannie Complete First Season available on DVD at
Recommended Reading:
I Dream of (A Persian) Jeannie by Darius Kadivar (payvand)
Related Blog:
DON’T CALL ME JUNIOR: How J.R Ewing Exported the Revolution To the Middle East
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