Nasrin in Hauge, video

Lady Nasrin Sotoudeh, the imprisoned human rights lawyer in Iran, has been on hunger strike for 44 days now.

Lawyers for lawyers:

“On Monday 26 November, a group of lawyers on the initiative of Lawyers for Lawyers offered a petition to the Iranian Embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands, in order to draw attention to the deteriorating health situation of Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has been on hunger strike since 17 October. Unfortunately the lawyers were not received at the embassy, upon which the petition was dropped in the embassy’s mailbox.

Lawyers for Lawyers is very concerned about Ms. Sotoudeh’s rapidly deteriorating health situation. “Human rights lawyers do not belong in prison in the first place, and under all circumstances they are entitled to decent and equal treatment like any other prisoner”, says Phon van den Biesen, President of Lawyers for Lawyers….”

Thank you Lawyers for Lawyers, you are credit not only to your profession, more importantly, to humanity, what beautiful people you are. The Dutch do it best! 

The Messianic Islamist Regime criminals will soon enough get to know Hague up close, ICC, International Criminal Court is there.

Ps. Don’t forget Sattar Beheshti!

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