Will Iran Grow Up And Behave Now?

As many of you know by now, I am against the US-Iran Nuclear Deal. Its details are sketchy and almost everything that would require insulting verification, is ultimately unverifiable. More than anything else, it fails to address the main issue of concern, namely Iran’s overall Human Rights record. It doesn’t even begin to mention any civil rights or political Freedom for the Iranian people.

One would think that if you are going to write up a deal, you would at least start with the best one first, acknowledge the reality, then include the truth, and then start chipping away at it from there.

In this case, however, rather than get everything off their chests, and out into the open (like normal mental patients), and the real reasons for the mutual animosity could be dealt with, the US and Iran have instead chosen to hide their real feelings for each other, and bury their pain, in piles of useless money, and empty promises no one will ever live up to.

No, I know, it makes sense they would take the easy way out. After all that’s what all damaged people with severe mental disorders raised by criminally abusive parents prefer to do. But it isn’t healthy. And it won’t fix anything. Really.

(OK, I feel better now.)

I must admit however, that I am now torn as to whether or not, even a deal that does not address what I think are the most important issues for a healthy US-Iran relationship, might somehow, in some way, by some sort of magic, cause the very outcome we all want to see.

The question is this:

If Iran accepts this deal now, can Iran see the benefits of behaving better, or re-think the folly of its ways, and read the tea leaves if you will, and slowly but surely begin the long awaited process of reform, and hopefully the modification of the current form of government, from one of strict Religious Rule, to a free Democratic one?

Unlike many, and to the certain disappointment of a few, while I am against this form of government in Iran today, I am even more against another destructive revolution to get rid of it. This is hard to say, because the damage being done to Iran by the current illegitimate and illegal self imposed rulers of Iran, is criminal. But in spite of the crimes and reality, I frankly don’t see another revolution by the people happening, even under the worst of scenarios and the wildest expectations. I feel this, considering that if the people of Iran haven’t risen up by now, they probably won’t rise up anytime soon. And I agree with that. I cannot condone shedding anymore Iranian blood.

The question though still remains. Will Iran abide by this new and highly optimistic agreement, and stop being a child, and put away childish things, or at least pretend to do so.

Iran has certainly been an angry child complete with weekly Friday tantrums, until now. So will it evoke the next phase of childhood, “teenage rebellion” against a barely adult America? The US above all, has finally come to terms and knows too well, that nukes are definitely childish. The folly of a nuclear arsenal that contains ten thousand Armageddons is not lost on just about all levels of American society today, and the same can be said for whatever goes for a civilized world these days.

But Iran is neither civilized, nor does it even agree with the concept of what everyone else considers to be “civilization”. Iran is ruled by unopposed force who are carving out their own definition of civilization. Along with women’s fashion. Force is employed at all sides of every argument, by religious people who waft in and out, totally unopposed, and in complete charge of Iran. Freely viewing things like civilization, about the same way that they view art. With seething contempt.

Worse, the folks who rule Iran today, know only the depraved debauchery of the West. Too well. To them the West is a skimpily bikini clad torturously beautiful blonde haired blue eyed lusty woman they certainly want, but cannot ever admit anything other than hatred for.

Blue eyes! Imagine that! Not normal black or honey date colored brown eyes that always look to the floor, as they should. But crystal blue eyes that stare back in gorgeous defiance! Why it’s completely unnatural! Unacceptable! Downright sacrilegious! Make her stop!

And all the other assorted always sexy accoutrements that the West is filled with. The sheer overwhelming lavish modernity of it all. It’s simply too much. And it is so much easier to live in the 9th century. OK fine, the 13th then. You know, a time when things were simpler. You burned wood for heat. You read the Qoran by candle light. A time where women were huskier, and did as they were told, and were neither seen, nor heard.

Iran is now so much easier and better for everyone if you do as they say. Of course I meant, as the Qoran commands.

So far, after their famous first date, Iran hasn’t even called the US. Now that the US has offered it’s best deal to barely stirrup Iran’s commercial nuclear program, Iran has all but ignored the US since. Running off with the mad Russian, to aid the mad Syrian in his quest to best his father’s record.

Indeed and apparently everyone wants to know,

“How many Syrians can a Syrian kill? If a Syrian could kill Syrians?”

So much for all that “Peace” that all the pro-deal Iranians chastised me about, during my objection to the deal. Apparently now, “Peace” has a different meaning when you really want to sell out. So far with the ink on the US deal not even dry yet, Iran is in a healthy embroiling war in Syria now.  I guess every country has to have it’s own Viet Nam. I just thought Iran was better than every country. So I guess, Syria can now be Iran’s Viet Nam. I had just hoped that after the Iran-Iraq war, we wouldn’t be forced to see Iranians die pointlessly again. Guess not.

Apparently, and in spite of our history, at the end of the day, we are nothing special. No different than any other people too preoccupied with vanity and self loathing to actually improve ourselves.

And like any other country, there are always fools among us, that embarrass the rest of us, and condemn all of us, to what at the end of the day, ends up being nothing more than damnable fate.

Self determination as an automatic right, is apparently just another wonderful plastic consumer product that the US sells. Always in stock. Always on the shelf.

Unfortunately no one ever buys it.

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