What Donald Trump, Ann Coulter and the rest of nut-jobs in Republican Party are doing, is attracting the uneducated, uncultured and unskilful White Americans, by offering them a permission to hate.
Racist attitude towards the black Obama is not going to tarnish his presidential legacy. Trump’s attack on the Mexican immigrants is not going to lead to their mass deportation. The call to ban all Muslims from entering America is not going to make US any safer. His fond reminiscing of the Japanese internment during WWII is not going to create a new police-state. All he is doing is solidifying the right-wing core of the Republican Party bigots, and legitimizing their desire to hate.
Hate and fear are proven tools in the hands of dictators and fascists. They can foster a core support group, organize them around simple and effective slogans, and use them to storm the opponents and take over the country. Our own Khomeini was a grand master of hate-and-fear strategy, and his simple “Death-to-America” slogan has created an insurmountable wall against inside reform and outside peacemaking for a full generation.
Is the danger of Trump to the democratic values of US real? You bet it is! No single person has in recent memory been able to get the majority support of a leading American party, while being openly supported by the neo-Nazi and the KKK.
Should we be worried? Damn right! We know firsthand how fascists work to win the hearts and minds of the lowest common denominators of a country, and then use them to turn even the most intelligent and educated people into pawns in their wars of aggression.
We have not left a crazy fascist-dominated country to live in another. No to Trump is Yes to sanity!