Iranian Photographers Win 8 Awards At Serbian Contest

Eight Iranian photographers won awards at the Through the Viewfinder international photo contest held in Kragujevac, Serbia.

The contest, organized by the Kragujevac Photo Club, announced the winners last week. They include Ahmad Khatiri who won the FIAP gold Medal for his photo “Prayer and Mourning for the Martyrdom of Their Fathers in War Zones” in the Photojournalism section of the competition.

Other winners in the Photojournalism section included Seyyed Omid Alavi who was awarded with the SALON Gold Medal for “War”, Saeid Arabzadeh who earned the Master of Light Photographic Association (MOL) Bronze Medal for “Sorrow” and Mostafa Mirtaleb who received the Photographic Society of America (PSA) Bronze Medal for the photo “Betting”.

Mirtaleb was also recognized with the SALON Bronze Medal for “Caspian Sea” in the Open Monochrome Section and with the FIAP Blue Ribbon award for his photo “Snowy Mountain” in the Nature Section. Arabzadeh won a second award with a Gold Medal (International Association of Art Photographers award) for his photo “Ghazaleh” in the Nature Section.

Rounding out the awards was Shiva Mohammadi who received the Master of Light Gold Badge best photo award for her picture “Bring Me the Color of the Night”.

The award-winning photos will be showcased in an exhibition at Lumière’s Beam Gallery in Kragujevac from December 25 to January 10, 2018.

Winning photos from Iranian photographers:

FIAP Gold Medal – Ahmad Khatiri (Iran) – Prayer and mourning for the testimony of their father in war zones
SALON Gold Medal – Seyed Omid Alavi (Iran) – ‘War’
Master of Light Bronze Medal – Saeed Arabzadeh (Iran) – ‘Sorrow’
PSA Bronze Medal – Mostafa Mirtaleb (Iran) – ‘Betting’
SALON Bronze Medal – Mostafa Mirtaleb (Iran) – ‘Caspian Sea’
FIAP Blue Ribbon – Mostafa Mirtaleb (Iran) – ‘Snowy Mountain’
Master of Light Gold Badge for The Best photo who promote Master of Light value:
Shiva Mohammadi (Iran) – ‘Bring me the color of the night’
IAAP Gold Medal – Saeed Arabzadeh (Iran) – ‘Ghazalle’

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