Kyoto Mayor offers concerns over US ant-Iran sanctions in time of COVID-19

Mayor of Kyoto Daisaku Kadokawa, who is also chairman of the Union of Historical Towns, in a message to people and Mayor of Shiraz expressed concerns over the US sanctions imposed against Iran in time of coronavirus outbreak.

In his message to Heydar Eskandarpour, Kadokawa said he had received the letter regarding the removal of sanctions and is informed of the situation after the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran.

He offered his respect to all those who are trying to treat patients in medical centers.

Referring to Kyoto conditions after the outbreak of the pandemic, Kadokawa said they will do their best to protect people’s lives and to prevent the collapse of the health system.

The Japanese official sympathized with Iranians, saying the Iranian officials are trying to take measures for passing this difficult situation.

Earlier on March 11, Shiraz Mayor has written to friendly and sisterhood cities and international organizations to make voices of the citizens heard by the world that oppressive sanctions are clear examples of war crimes that should be eliminated.

The official noted in his message that every year on such a day, his compatriots across Iran are ready to welcome Nowruz to celebrate the beginning of the New Year and the resurrection of nature. Here in Shiraz, the people managed to embrace this ancient ritual and the enduring legacy of ancient Iran.

This year, but unfortunately the warm-hearted people of Shiraz are deprived of tourist attraction. The spread of the coronavirus in recent days has presented us with difficult conditions and complex prospects.

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