“Funfair”, a short film by Iranian director Kaveh Mazaheri, has won the Best Non-European Independent Dramatic Short Award at the 15th edition of the European Independent Film Festival (ECU), the organizers have announced.
“Funfair” is about Majid, a young financially struggling man who comes up with a ploy in order to better the life of his wife Sarah.
The Best European Independent Dramatic Feature Award was given to “Shibil” by Nikola Bozadzhiev from Bulgaria.
With 87 films from 28 countries participating in the festival this year, the ÉCU 2020 ended with its customary final ceremony recognizing 25 award winners in 14 categories.
The festival went online in Paris, France from April 24 to 26.
Cover photo: A scene from “Funfair” by Kaveh Mazaheri