Israeli submarine uses Suez Canal, sending clear message to Iran

An Israeli submarine passed through the Suez Canal last week in what is seen as a clear message to Iran, according to a report yesterday by Kan News citing Arab intelligence sources.

The passage was reported to have been approved by the Egyptian authorities.

The same sources are said to have confirmed that the submarine sailed down the Red Sea and headed towards the Persian Gulf. Tension is high between Tel Aviv and Tehran over the assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, last month. The killing has been blamed widely on Israel.

Moreover, in a rare announcement yesterday, the US Navy said that one of its nuclear-powered submarines, accompanied by two other warships, had passed through the Strait of Hormuz. This happened just hours after the commander of US forces in the Middle East, General Frank McKenzie, said that America is “ready to respond” should Iran carry out any revenge attacks as the first anniversary approaches of the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani last January.

Israeli Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Aviv Kochavi also issued a threat to Iran yesterday. “If Iran and its partners from the radical axis… carry out an attack against the State of Israel, they will find the price extremely high,” he warned. “We will attack anyone who chooses to participate in – partially or fully, closely or remotely – any action against the State of Israel or Israeli targets.”

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