Israel’s GBU-28 bombs

In an exclusive story to be published Monday on growing military cooperation between the two allies, U.S. and Israeli officials tell Newsweek that the GBU-28 Hard Target Penetrators—potentially useful in any future military strike against Iranian nuclear sites—were delivered to Israel in 2009, just several months after Obama took office.

Obama’s security cooperation extended beyond bunker busters. According to Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ), who serves on the committees that fund both the U.S. military and foreign aid, Obama gave “orders to the military to ratchet up the cooperation at every level with Israel.”

Those logically challenged who not that long ago were beside themselves thinking with Obama Presidency the national interests of America will be forfeited to fulfill their wacky world view, have another big slice of  reality pie to swallow.

There is still time to stop the nuke acquiring messianic Islamists before they impose a war on all.

Israel is Iran’s only historic and more importantly, strategic ally in the Middle East. The sooner the sane world helps the capable and fed up Iranian people to overthrow their Islamist tyrants, “reformers” and all,  the sooner peace and tranquility can be established in the region.

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