Do you know this man? The bearded, Iran hating, leftist neo-Green warrior? No? Well, let’s share a few fun facts. Perhaps you will know him better after reading these few nuggets.
– He was born in Ahvaz (or as he likes to call it, “Al-Ahwaz”) in 1951.
-He began to hate the Shah and any kind of a Persian imperial dynasty right after he was potty trained (his mom told me so);
-He believes that the 1979 devolution was—and is—the best thing that happened to humanity;
-Since the previous “revolution” that he supported and particiapted has been so successful, he would like to tell us how and what the next Iranian government should be;
-He teaches at Columbia;
-He believes that the Islamic Republic is a democracy—not a “perfect” one, but nonetheless a “democracy”;
-He used to pimp IR officials around New York and Columbia before the June, 2009 elections;
-He criticized Columbia dean Lee Bollinger for his treatment of Ahmadinejad in 2007 and called him a fundamentalist Christian and a white supremacist—just a reminder: that was before the June, 2009 elections;
-He became a “Green” supporter after the June, 2009 elections, and began to treat Ahmadinejad really badly—he even wore a T-shirt and posed for a picture with Noam Chomsky in support of the “Greens”;
-He then, on behalf of the “Greens” [unilaterally] declared that the “Greens” are entirely supportive of the Palestinian cause (with which he is obsessed)—even though the demonstrators in Iran where chanting “ na Gazeh, na Lebnaan, janam fadaye Iran);
-He likes movies and is a self proclaimed expert on Palestinian cinema;
-He loves being an Ivy League professor, where he can park his ass behind a desk for ten hours a day and sell gibberish bullshit to the world as “scholarly thoughts”;
-He once threw a hissy fit when an Israeli student at Columbia sent him and email and said that he was unfair with his views in Israel. Dabashi, the warrior, declared that he was scared for his life and asked for protection from Columbia and said that he will contact the NYPD, in response to which the then Columbia dean had a great laugh over his cup of coffee… so much for supporting Palestinians who go up against Israeli tanks armed with nothing but rocks;
-He has never mowed his lawn…OK, I’m not sure about this one, but knowing his type, I’m willing to bet that I am right;
-He was recently appointed to the NIAC’s Board of Directors;
-He once had a homoerotic dream involving himself, Ali Shariati, Khomeini and Karl Marx… Ok, I made this one up, but I won’t be surprised if it’s true;
-He is a leftist elitist;
-Up until he reached puberty, he thought that he could only use his penis for urination… OK, I TOTALLY made this one up. He is somewhat smart… so, I’m sure he figured out all the uses for his penis way before he reached puberty!