Latest videos will be posted here as they become available. See news and more updates here. Also direct reports from Iran in Persian here.
Videos posted earlier >>> PART 1 — PART 2
Face-off between protesters and guards
Tearing down Khamenei poster
Another large poster torn down
Security forces roaming the street
Pro-Khatami slogans in his hometown, Ardakan
Basiji breaks car glass, attacks people:
Protests as viewed from a bus:
“I’ll kill the one who killed my brother”
“Freedom or Death”
Tear gas attack in Teharn:
Protester arrested in Rasht:
Disabled man hit in the head by police:
Sharif University, “toop, tank, basiji digar asar nadaarad”
Protests continuing into the night
“Death to Khamenei” slogans
Basiji bike set on fire
“Irani mimirad, zellat nemipazirad
Chanting “Death to diktator” on Tehran’s Azarbaijan St
Protesters escape security forces
“Independence, Freedom, Iranian Republic”
Beating up regime supporter
Shot protester taken by ambulence
Marg bar Diktator…
Barricades and making bonfires
Sharif University:”Death to Mahmoud the traitor”
Sharif University studnet rally
Motor oil on the street to prevent against basijis on motorcyle
Tehran: Chanting Khamenei is next to fall
Security forces turn back people
Blood from injured protester
Singing “Yare Dabestani”
Motorized forces preparing to confront protesters
Protesters cheer as Khamenei poster brought down
Tehran protests continue into the night
Protester’s leg covered in blood
“Marg bar Khamenei”