
No Rush

The revolts in Tunisia and Egypt will go down the history as two of the fastest and easiest “revolutions” of all time! It is almost

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Wanting Jhaleh’s body

Amongst the multitude of security and apparatuses of oppression in the service of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, their Brownshirts, aka the Basij, has a

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به نام آزادی

بیانیه ایران ندا در حمایت از اعتراض های مردمی شرم آور نیست حکومتی که تظاهرات مردم مصر، تونس و سایرکشورهای عرب را حق مسلم آنها

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The “Democracy Industry”

­On this edition of Peter Lavelle’s CrossTalk, he and his guests discuss and question the ultimate effectiveness of exporting and also limiting democracy due to

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It’s Time

Azadi, Tahrir, freedom, libertion, the word is different in every language but an essential moral concept in each and the idea behind it is the

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شیفته انصاری

شیفته انصاری تو شیفتهء انصاری دلباختهء یاران والهء ناصران نصیرِ یاری‌دهندگان تو خبر داری از سنگسارِ «زناکاران» در این سیه‌رنگ، ظالم، و مکدر روزگاران تو

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25 Bahman

Latest videos will be posted here as they become available. See news and more updates here. Also direct reports from Iran in Persian here. Videos

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Yesterday was a success

If, and that is a big if, the news of casualties are to be believed, Yesterday’s demonstration against IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, was a

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