Now that due to the overwhelming public disapproval the Floridian “man of God” has indefinitely postponed his Quran burning show, calm is at hand to point out a number of facts about Quran, its burning(s) and two questions.
1- The burning of any book is sheer stupidity, Quran is a book, burning it is therefore stupid.
2- The symbolic aspect of Quran burning is stupid as well for the simple reason it puts the person and group doing it on par with other book burners like the Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Islamists and alike.
3- The practical aspect of Quran burning is stupid too for it empowers the very ones who are the intended target, the rabid Islamists.
Now to my questions:
1- How come when hundreds or perhaps thousands of Qurans are burned on almost daily basis no Muslim makes any issue of it?
You say where and when, what do you think are kept in all those mosques and prayer centers that rival Islamists blow up on a regular basis.
2- How come when in the name of Quran human beings are flogged, mutilated and stoned to death not many Muslims vociferously condemn the savagery allowing its most stringent interpretation to be used by Islamists as the authority to inflict barbarity?
BTW, while everyone was concerned about the Florida show burning, two more Iranian teenage girls doused themselves with kerosene and lit a match.