In 1979, Iran was invaded and occupied by Foreign Powers!

There are many different ways the Evil World Powers invade and destroy
little countries/nations! Especially when they are one of the RICHEST in
the world like Iran and Iraq.

In 1979 Iran was invaded and occupied by the EVIL U.K., France and their
other European partners. After the fall of Soviets, Russia and China
joined the other EVILS and even surpassed them to suck Iran’s wealth to
the last penny/drop at any cost!!! Including killing millions of
Iranians in the past 31 years, from Iran/Iraq war to present by an even
more EVIL regime called Satanic Republic Raping Iran… This is NOT a
“Conspiricy Theory”, This is the Truth, unfortunately…

Iranians in general too uneducated and ignorant to recognize this in
1979, hence choosing, bringing in and worshiping one of the greatest
Pscho-Paths of the 20th Century (Ayatollah Khomeini) and his other
evil/psycho gang … Today after 31 years, people of Iran are hostages
and prisoners in their own country!! The young generation has already
realized the facts… However, many people still fall for numerous
different scenarios in which Islamic Satanic Republic re-invents it Evil
self!! Any one with an ounce of intelligence knows that psycho Mullahs
and Co with such inferiority and lack of of knowledge and information
were not able to even manage a country the size of Iran even for few
months, let alone for 31 LONG YEARS!!!!

had Islamic Republic been of a slightest problem or loss to world
power’s interests, it could have been removed effortlessly on so many
occasions! Starting in 1979 after the Islamic regime killed all
important people who could defend and do positive things for Iran. That
was one of their weakest points ( I know that personally being involved
with a Nationalistic Iranian Party that was betrayed by double agents in
our cells and defeated by World powers and Intelligence services which
subsequently lead to one of biggest losses Iran ever had in 20th
century…). Second massive oppurtunity to remove I.R. was in 1988,
right after Iran/Iraq eight year old war!!! I.R. was so weak, it could
have been removed by World powers accusing it of Terrorism all day long,
but NO, they didn’t do that either, because I.R. has been the single
biggest business partner for all those Europeans + Russia + China now!

Later in 1991, U.S. finally decides to cash in on its own and invades
Iraq and draggs it all the way to present time!!! Meanwhile, The bastard
EVIL U.K. managed to cash in on both fronts, being a major partner with
Europeans+ China to suck Iran’s resources dry and also a U.S. partner
in Iraq (another one of the richest country in the world) through
linking 911, Al Qaeda and Afghanestan ….

In conclusion, and in our own personal case (Iran) we have been masacred
by the Evil Foreign powers and their direct agents and puppets called
“Islamic Republic” on the ground in Iran!!!

I can tell you all this because I was there, (been there and done
that…) and we did “Lengesh Kon” but were defeated (mostly killed) by
Major powers and their puppets who committed the ultimate unforgivable
treason against Iran and Iranians… 

Long live Iran. Free Iran and Iranians…

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