Day in and day out, we are “reminded”—courtesy of the IRI propaganda empire—of the imminent threat of attack against Iran by…I don’t know, Israel, the U.S., the British, the West, the Martians, etc…Obviously, anyone with an ounce of brain sees right through the nonsense, and realizes what the IRI dictatorship is up to. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Every dictatorship has used it since time immemorial: create a foreign enemy, whether imaginative or real, and make that the centerpiece of everything that you say and do. This way, you can link all who oppose you to that “foreign threat” and discredit them, eliminate them or both. We see the same dynamic on this site. Endless blogs by known characters pushing the IRI line and demonizing all who oppose the IRI as “Zionists”, “warmongers” and anti-Iranians.
I do not deny that there may be some threat of a conflict against Iran; however, I submit to you that the biggest warmongers are the IRI and its supporters and sympathizers, and they are the ones who are fanning the flames of war. Let’s take a look to see if we can identify them. They can actually be separated into several groups with the same aim. Here they are:
1) The first, and most superficial, group is what I call the Palestine chest beater, “PCB”. The PCB’s are the ones who jump on the bandwagon when there is the slightest crime committed against the Palestinian people, and try to use it as propaganda mileage for the IRI. Most of them don’t give a hoot about the Palestinians. If they did, they wouldn’t support the IRI, which has set back the Palestinian cause for decades. Their main concern is bashing Israel and its granddaddy, the U.S. Their propaganda aims, however, is not the main danger. Some elements of PCB, however, are more serious. The Palestinian cause is their main concern, and they want to sacrifice every man, woman and child in Iran to start the war with Israel so that they can, once and for all, liberate Palestine. We see some of those elements on this site. Keep an eye out of them. These are the ones with “Palestine only” blog policy. You never see them write about anything else.
2) The second group are the disillusioned and disenchanted 1960’s and 70’s radicals, or the Islamo-commies. This particular species of warmongers are usually western residing, but yet western hating, leftovers of the Cold War era. They still see everything as a struggle against imperialism…their “capitalist” businesses in the “west” not included, of course. These lunatics are very disillusioned. I mean, they went through all the screaming back in the 1970’s and toppled the Shah so that the new, great Islamic Republic can go after the imperialists and finish them off. But they were disappointed. The IRI turned out to be bust. Thirty one years on, and the imperialists are still around. Hell, they’re even closer to Iran than they were before the revolution. So, what an old (and I mean old) commie is to do with this dilemma? Advocate an apocalypse, of course. And here’s how it’s done: you pick a cause…any cause…like…the nuclear issue, and hype it. And claim that the IRI has been right all along, and has complied with the NPT all along—notwithstanding the fact that it hid its facilities for 12 years and that is a direct violation of the NPT. You can also claim that the IRI disclosed its Qom facility last September before the U.S. announced its existence…which is technically true—but hide the fact that the IRI had found out that the U.S. had known about the facility for months and was about to talk about it at the G-8 summit and that’s why it ca, out with its “disclosure”. Anyway, you can do whatever you can to show the IRI as a victim and say that the imperialists should be eliminated from the region so that the great people of the Middle East can go about their business…and at this point the only way to do so is to confront the “west” head on in a great battle and that the IRI has all kinds of homemade doomsday weapons that can wipe out the imperialists once and for all, etc., etc…..After all, what do you care? You don’t live in Iran. Hey, may be it will all work out after all. Perhaps if all Iranians, men, women and children, strap a grenade to themselves, jump in the Persian Gulf, swim to a U.S. ship and blow themselves up, the ships will sink.
3) The third type are the REAL IRI employees and agents. These species of warmongers is actually more rational than the other two. They really don’t want an all out war, because they really don’t want their money making schemes and their plundering of the country to really be seriously interrupted. But they do want to keep the regime in power, and they know that they are so hated by the masses that the only way they can keep them in check is to constantly scare and threaten them. So, these guys wouldn’t mind seeing a limited war with the U.S. or Israel, just sob that they can cry about it and parade the dead bodies on the streets. Plus, all of their families are in the west anyway. They’re not going to fight. They know that they always have the “sandis” drinking “shaban bimokh” basijis to do the dirty work, and they are, after all, dispensable.
So, ladies and gentlemen, next time to see a blog that tries to scare you, and calls you a warmonger, take a moment to categorize the offender. And see what class of IRI supporting warmonger species he / she falls under.