Equally Praised for his innovative ideas and criticized for his contradictions, Jean Paul Sartre remains a major figure in the history of ideas that shaped the 20th century. Yet as one of the Founding father of Existentialism and the quentessentially Politically “engage” philosopher was also to be heavily criticized by many likeminds of his generation notably British George Orwell ( author of 1984), or fellow French colleagues Albert Camus and Raymond Aron for overlooking the true totalitarian nature of some of the major upheavels of the 20th Century notably in such countries like Cuba, China or the Soviet Union. His controversial endorsement of Palestinian terrorism particularly during the Massacre of Israeli Sportsmen at the Munich Olympics in 1972 was to tarnish his image in the Western Intelligenstia.
Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir an Intimate Portrait in 1970’s:
Sartre nevertheless leaves a major bulk of ideas that cannot be reduced to his human or political shortcomings and remains a major thinker of the 20th Century. The French Magazine Marianne has released a Very interesting special Issue on Sartre for the 30th anniversary of his death.
From the Series Human, All Too Human (BBC)
Part I:
Part II:
Part III:
Part IV:
Part V:
Part VI:
Although a Constitutional Monarchist yet Influenced by Sartre’s “Engagement” ( political activism) Philosophy Iranian Expat and Political activist Fereydoun Farrokhzad speaks about the Artist and his Political responsability (1980’s):
On a Lighter Note: Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion visit Jean Paul Sartre ( Monty Python’s John Clease and the late Graham Chapman):
On Simone de Beauvoir:
Simone de Beauvoir NUE ;0) by DK
Poetess and “Simon de Beauvoir Laureate” Simin Behbahani Stopped at Tehran Airport (RTL Info)
Saint-Germain-des-Prés – Juliette Greco ( 1950’s):
Francoise Sagan:
Although of a different generation French Author Francoise Sagan was greatly influenced by Sartre’s Existentionalism
Scene from Film inspired by Sagan’s Novel Bonjour Tristesse (1958) starring New Wave Star Jean Seberg and David Niven:
French Star Singer Yves Montand ( L’engagement Contre Les Dictature Gauche Et Droite ):
Les Feuilles Mortes:
Montand was a “compagnon de Route” of Sartre and the Communist Party without ever being a member before becoming one of his staunchest Critics notably after the events of Tchekoslovakia and other crushed upheavels of the Easter Bloc Revolts:
Costa Gavras’ Opening of The Confession:
The Confession(L’Aveu) by Costa-Gavras: Laughing Scene:
Montand as an FBI Agent kidnapped by Revolutionaries in South America In Costa Gavras’ State of Siege:
With Subtitles:
Montand and Mikis Theodorakis Music Score, Highlights of Costa Gavras – Z (1969):
Recommended Reading ( On “L’Engagement” From an Iranian Political perspective) :
Simin Behbahani Accepting Simone de Beauvoir Prize (Iranian.com)
Prisoner of Conscience: Akbar Ganji and Costa Gavras’ Confession BY Darius KADIVAR
by Darius KADIVAR
RESPONDING TO REZA’s CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc in the Making … by Darius KADIVAR
We Refuse to Die: This is a new kind of Revolution by Setareh Sabety
Twitter Revolution by Setareh Sabety
Unite Under Ten Demands: A call to unity by the Reformist Think Tank by Setareh Sabety
Related Blogs:
HISTORY OF IDEAS: Montaigne’s Guide To Happiness,Wisdom and Self-Esteem (BBC Documentary)
HISTORY OF IDEAS:Socrates on Self-Confidence and Non Conformist Thought (BBC Documentary)
On Greece Democracy/Coup:
RESTORATION: Greek Constitutional Monarchy Toppled by Military Coup (April 21st, 1967)
pictory: Soraya and Richard Harris in Greece For Movie Promotion (1964)
TITANS MEET: Shahbanou of Iran Greets Ex-King Constantine of Greece (Roudaki-Opera House, 1971)
EMPIRE OF THE MIND: The Greeks – Crucible of Civilization narrated by Liam Neeson (PBS-1999)