Russia is not satisfied with the projects developed by the
West, in regards to sanctions against Iran, and Moscow’s support for a
military strike against this country is categorically excluded. This
was stated in an interview with the Moscow television station “TV
Center” by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. According to him, “although
efforts to resolve the situation around Iran’s nuclear program continue,
it is possible that the situation will require the re-engagement of the
UN Security Council. In this case Russia will be ready to discuss only
“intelligent sanctions”. Lavrov said that they should encourage the
structures in Iran, who are responsible for the nuclear program to
cooperate with the IAEA, in any case, sanctions should not be harmful to
the population of the country. “The international community wants to
ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program”, – concluded
Foreign Minister Lavrov. The situation around the Iranian nuclear issue
escalated after Iran’s rejection of the proposals, introduced by the Six
negotiators (the five permanent members of UN Security Council and
Germany), to send its low-enriched uranium abroad for further