I never understand why we discontinue some practices that worked in the past. Chief among those was that we could click on a contributor’s name, access the contributor’s email with their permission. This would be another stepping stone to reach each other and exchange ideas outside of public arena. For some reason beyond my comprehension that system is abandoned and my query has not been addressed by the administrator.
I notice that so many potential contributors are at a loss in using paypal. Some of us could help those if we knew their eamil address and trust. In fact someone could run a tutorial for doing this. It seems like some of us do not know that Paypal is an excellent way of transaction involving sending and receiving small amount of money. It has the big advantage of avoiding credit card fraud. That is not to say that paypal is immune from fraud, but paypal’s advangage is that if one opens a small account for paypal its potential for fraud and loss is minimized and one ould not lose nearly as much if any. For this and other reasons I wish we could at least contact those who are willing to be contacted and expand the exchange of ideas personally for those who prefer that level of communication.