Every Iranian you talk to, whether in Tehran, LA, Toronto or Sydney telsl you s/he wants democracy for Iran. That includes you right?
What kind of democracy? Have we thought this thing through? Would an Islamic Democracy, as diametrically opposed as it sounds, be acceptable to you? What would an Islamic Democracy entail? That would surely not be acceptable by me.
Do we have an Islamic Democracy anywhere that we can use as an example? A template? A starting point if you will?
You cannot install democracy and expect it to work in an strongly Islamic infulenced culture. An attempt will result in a regime which would not work and will need to be replaced in 1, 2 or 3 decades.
The first step towards democracy is removal of Islam and for that matter any orther religion from the arena of politics in Iran.
Next step is to make it a crime, punishable by death, for religous clerics to get involved in politics.
Final step is installation of a democratic system of governance.
Thats my 2 cents. Whats yours?