One of the disturbing thoughts among other things in Iran and Iranian history is this question:
Where do they really originate ? Are they the remaning of the past Ottoman empire who conquered
Iran and then stayed in Iran till now ?
Iranian need to question everything now , everything needs an answer and analysis from now on
to avoid any future mistakes and any foul play in the future political system .
I remember in Tehran when i was in those years around 1970 and after that
every where on the streets of Tehran i could see probably 3 out of 10 people were
or could be of Turkish origine , i was wondering and asking this question since then
where all these huge number of Turkish come from to Iran ? i felt living in Turkistan
not in Iran !
All of them were so clever in every thing from business to education , actually these Turkish
people have MONOPOLIZED the Bazar of Tehran and making millions of Dollars from
Iran’s economy , and these same Turkish people were / are extremly fanatic and Islamic
and they have garvely contributed to the Establishment of this Fucking Islamic regime in Iran
all the members of the Secret police , Pasdaran most have Turkish as their agent of murderers
along side others and as well as those fucking Palestenians and Libanon Hezbollah .
I am pretty sure Turkish people can quickly change their color as they only care where their profit
is in any Regime , we call these kind of people in Iranian language ( Bogalamon Sefatan ) or in English
[A Turkey’s Colorful feathers ] ! what a coincidence of the English word and the Turkish noun !
Well i like to question everything from now on and Iranian need answers and totall awarness of the
other Ethnic groupes in IRAN for which the majority are Turkish ! and the minority are Arabs and
then Armenian , Assyrians , and so on ..the trouble would be the Turkish for sure .
The Arbas in the south of Iran in Abadan and Ahwaz , were sent out of Iraq by Sadam Houssein in Shah’s
time as they were Shiit muslim and as Iran is unfortunately one the Biggest ,rarrest Shiit muslim country
so Shah of Iran let them into Iran as refugees , Iran has close borders with Iraq and the borders are so
close to each other one must not think Arabs have lived
in Iran for thousands of years , who said this ?