“Iran, A Reflection”. How Are We Coping ?

Everyone knows that the Iranians living abroad have had a strong emotional reaction to the recent events in Iran.  Feelings of helpless rage, witness guilt, pain/sadness alternating with joy, pride and hopefulness have been common.

How do we cope with this difficult and confusing situation in our country ?

We cope by “revenge fantasies”.  We visualize millions of our “hamvatans” pouring into the streets, crushing basijis, plainclothes, riot police…  We envision AN, Khamaneie, Ghazi Mortazavi and all the other responsible parties, arrested, tried and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity, by their victims.   (This is actually a clean and polite version of the fantasies that I have either heard and/or read.  The others are too graphic.) 

We cope by trying to protect our “hamvatans”  the best way, we can.  The Tech Wiz on this site show us how to sabotage the IRI web-sites, designed to identify and arrest protesters.  We listen.

We cope by being advocates and the voice of those inside Iran.  We write poetry.  We post blogs in support of the uprising. We express our outrage by leaving angry and somtimes “immature!!” comments for IRI supporters. We sign petitions, we make phone calls and we participate in demonstrations and vigils.

We cope by “rescue fantasies”.  We hope for a phenomenon to save our country.  A powerful leader and or the international community.  

We cope by creating small support groups: a safe place to share our pain, rage and grief.  We do not shy away from our feelings. We mourn the loss/sufferings of those brutalized/murdered by this regime.  The best way to heal is to allow ourselves feel our anguish and despair.

We cope by taking care of ourselves.  We eat healthy, exercise, socialize, go on vaccation and enjoy our lives.

We cope by accepting the sad reality that, for the time being IRI is still in power.  We are mature enough to understand that “life is not always fair” and “justice does not always prevail”.  However, acceptance does not mean INACTION.  We continue our fight for fairness and justice.

We cope by remembering that our “hamvatans” uprising has shaken the foundation of IRI regime.  Soothing thought, indeed. 

In summary, we cope by doing whatever, we can to keep our hopes alive.  Because we have the wisdom to know that the only enemy worse than IRI is hopelessness.

Please share any other ideas that might help, keep our hopes alive.  Thanks.


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