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Something totally different for a change.

I believe dreams have their own meaning and hope some of you ladies and gentlemen can explain what this dream mean.


A young boy, not more than 6 years old, very intelligent and bright with a wonderful heart is the person in this dream. He was gifted (psychic powers) and with his little heart loved all creatures large and small. But he was surrounded by bad people and they saw him as devil’s child for being different, pure and better than them.

The Scene:

A jungle with lot of trees and difficult to pass through.

The Dream:

The boy standing in a clear patch of the jungle. He was worried because his senses were telling him there were dangers lurking behind those trees. He was so frightened that he could not go anywhere, in any direction. So he started to pray, even though very young, he was very sure god loved children so god loved him too. Then suddenly an all white UNICORN with big wings landed in front of him, almost like it appeared from no-where.

The unicorn looked at the boy and with his eyes told the boy;

“get on my back and I will take you somewhere better”.

The boy said you are too big and I can’t get on your back.

So the unicorn got small and smaller until he was as big as a pony. Then the boy got on him.

As the boy was still adjusting himself on the back of the unicorn, it returned to its normal size and took off.

Somehow the boy’s senses told him this will be the flight of his life which he suddenly woke up.

What do you make of this dream please share it. As far as I know there is not any mention of unicorn in Iranian culture or old stories that is why it makes this dream strange. I meant the boy was Iranian.


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