Baha’i views on Chastity and Modesty


Recorded by Ann M. Boylan

Walking today in the gardens by the Hudson River in the early morning, I had the privilege of being with Abdu’l-Baha, and I told Him how some people have tried to spread the untruth that the Baha’is teach “free love.”

He answered: “The marriage bond is very important.” He repeated it again: “Very, very important. Marriage must be strict and pure. You must all be very careful about this.”

He continued: “Women and men must not embrace each other when not married, or not about to be married. They must not kiss each other. If women kiss women, that is not bad. If men kiss men, that is not bad. But men and women must not embrace. Such conduct is not taught in the Baha’i Revelation. AND IT MUST NOT BE DONE. IT IS NOT PERMITTED. If they wish to greet each other, or comfort each other, they may take each other by the hand.

“Describe how you have seen the women of the East, as in Haifa. The Blessed Beauty directed that there should be great modesty in the women, that they should not bare the neck and bosom, and that the women in the East should wear a veil.

Notes of a talk with Abdu’l-Baha, New York City, June 7, 1912

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