Limp Syndrome – The queen of all refugees
The So Called True Patriots, like to mix Sh*t with egg and cover/hide mask their faces.
What is your name?
How do you spell that?
Where are you from?
Why did you come here?
Is it difficult to go back?
The PSYCHEE of the “کمر شکسته” is wounded by years of the same questions every day… day after day …. …then …you tend to Identify … I am white the rest of you are Arabs/Blacks … or may be is it that you are really a 2000 Year old Zio ref-u-jew?
Once you realize this, you will realize where all that “True Patriots” the bigger than life projection is coming from …
Oh little Queen,
کمره تو نشکسته زات تو کمر باریک هست
Will you suck on this Lali PoP to Save the TRUE Patriots?