Money beats history

This is an article I found on Boeing’s monthly employee newsletter in praise of their presence in Saudi Arabia. In of itself it is no more than a propaganda piece to appease their minuscule investment in the Arabian Peninsula.

But what struck me odd was the fact that the author had mentioned “Arabian Gulf” in place of the “Persian Gulf”. This is a clear violation of the UN charter and I protested this act in a letter to the editor, author and a senior VP of the Boeing Company. Needless to say I have not heard back from any one.

Of course it could be that Boeing has just lost one of the largest military contracts to date, $40 billion aging tanker replacement program, to its archrival Airbus, and they may well have been preoccupied licking their wounds, to want to answer a reader.

But this clearly shows the sad state of affairs. Boeing has been mired in for the past ten years. Its many unethical and immoral acts in the past decade has been instrumental in losing more contracts than any other aerospace company, having to replace two CEO’s and Chairmen, and imprisonment of some of its top officials.

Boeing has clearly demonstrated to the American people, that it is no longer a company with the best interests of America at and the whole of humanity, if in fact it ever was, at heart.

By partnering with the Saudis and its relatively small investments in the peninsula, Boeing has gone against the security interests of the American people, by indirectly supporting the regime and a form of belief that created, supported, armed and manned the 9/11.

It also demonstrates that Boeing has no interest to support and protect Israel, rather to ensure its sworn enemies are being armed to the teeth. This of itself will be of little interests to Iranians, other than the fact that Boeing has also tried to get into the business of rewriting history.

By deliberately going against the wishes of millions of Iranians, and the powerful Iranians in Diaspora and their ever growing lobbies, it has demonstrated that it has no interest in preserving any of the hollow human value sound bites it wants to point out to its employees, stakeholders and customers.

We Iranians should take serious note of Boeing’s action on the part of renaming the “Persian Gulf” and should start a campaign in attempting to change its behavior. We should also take stock of its actions against the Iranian Nation.

When Iran re-enters the foray of the World civilization, I will guarantee you Boeing will be at its doorstep begging for contracts and we should all be cognizant of its past behavior and reject its futile attempts.

To access the article click here to read PDF file (go to page 45).

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